Products for breeding
and renewable energy
By properly combining our feeds it is possible to give life to the correct rations food for a large part of farmed animals: for dairy cattle and sheep meat, first of all, but also for horses and donkeys.
The highest level of our product is witnessed by word of mouth, which so far has been the key to our success: we have created over time a network of breeders who, directly experimenting with the quality of our feeds, has become our best advertising.
All our crops are made using the least possible amount of plant protection products and are always harvested at the right time, in order to offer only products with zero residual. We are particularly proud of the results achieved with alfalfa, which we grow in a biological regime without using any chemical product.
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Straw is our flagship product, and not just for quantity. We get it from the stem of our wheat, which we always cut at the right point of ripeness, and we commercialise it about 2,000 tons a year.
The straw is what remains of the cereals after the threshing, or what remains after the grain separation. It is particularly suitable for feeding those animals that need a high amount of fiber, especially cattle but generally all ruminants.
After the harvest and the preparation, our commitment continues also during the conservation: we keep our stocks in dry places to avoid the formation of moulds and thus giving breeders an always perfect product.
Thanks to the high protein intake that characterises it, our alfalfa is particularly suitable for all ruminants, that according to the farmers, is very appreciate by these animals.
We produce about 800 tons of organic products a year. Alfalfa is indeed a rather resistant plant and we are particularly careful to plant it and collect it at opportune moment, thus succeeding in avoiding the use of pesticides.
To obtain the best possible quality, we harvest it before flowering. As and more than for straw, the aspect of conservation is fundamental for alfalfa: a product that is too wet, in fact it is more exposed to mould and it is not suitable for consumption, because of the difficult digestion for livestock.
Our forage derives from the partial drying of the Italian ryegrass, an herb that constitutes an extremely important food for ruminants, such as cows, sheep and goats, and for horses. The ryegrass is appreciated by the cattle for its high digestibility and for the good dose of sugars it provides.
To keep intact its characteristics, it is necessary to collect the ryegrass at the right moment. We always do this before the earing: so we avoid the stem becoming woody, losing in sweetness and therefore in palatability for the animals.
Also the ryegrass, like alfalfa, is a very resistant plant and almost never needs of plant protection products for its growth. However, the aspect of conservation is important, to avoid also in this case the birth of mould and other agents that could compromise the product.
The artichoke is an extraordinary plant, a real resource not only in economic terms, but also for the environment. This is demonstrated by the product we have been experimenting for some years that we add to our traditional feed: the artichoke stocco.
It is basically the residues of artichoke plants after the flowers collect and after the bulbs extraction, which are first of all dried naturally and then usually pressed into round bales for sale. The uses are the most diverse: they are used in heliculture for the production of snails in organic farming, but also as feed for livestock, in particular in summer to vary the diet of sheep.
But that’s not all: artichoke stalks can also be used for the production of power. In fact, grinded and treated, they release large quantities of biogas, which are used in renewable energy production plants.